Pecha Kucha Presentations

PechaKucha Presentations
+20×20 Presentation Overview: 20 images X 20 seconds
+Mid-Point Presentations will be 10×10:  10 images for 10 seconds

+Prepare a PechaKucha presentation about your current project. You must select 10 images for your presentation to talk about.  Submit your talking notes/speech to the current project folder on Showbie.

In your presentation, you may talk about test shots/proof of concept shots/work; inspiration you have been pulling from; share some screenshots of working interfaces; selected images that will allow you to talk about your creative concept, technique, and inspiration.

Hawaii PechaKucha 20×20 Presenters

Example 1: Gaye Chan

Example 2: Alison Beste

Example 3: Justin Davies

Example 4: Jesse Freeman

Illustration/Graphic Arts
Example 5: Japser Wong