What is an artist bio?
An artist bio is a summarized, narrative version of your resume, but shorter and with more personality. Bios are used in your professional package, as part of a catalogue at an exhibition, in publicity and printed programs, and other promotional materials. Your artist biography should integrate portions of your resume and artist statement. In general, bios are more factual about you as an artist, whereas statements are more about the ideas, concepts and techniques behind your work.
How to put artist bio together?
• Quality over quantity- keep your bio to one or two paragraphs (especially for a young artist)
• Write about yourself in third person
• Include place of birth, education, and where you currently reside• Consider creating a shortened version that can be easily sent to galleries, reporters, collectors, and audiences
Sample of Bio Statement
Jane Doe was born in South Hadley, Massachusetts. She is a sophomore at Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii. This is her second year in the Mid-Pacific School of the Arts Media Art Certificate Program. She experiments with portrait photography and film. Jane is interested in doing a documentary portrait series about international students who attended American schools aboard. She is inspired by the work of Taryn Simon and is intrigued by the photographer’s image and text installations.
Question Prep
1. Basic Info: Name, Birth Place, Grade, School, Certificate Level, Media Specialty
2. What kind of artwork are you interested in making this year? What kinds of creative themes do you want to explore?
3. Who inspires you to make art? Why?
Suggested Sources
The Creative Independent
Agora Gallery